Tuesday, October 27, 2009

susah nak puaskan hati orang tau

org depan ckp :
comel doe ko ni buat buat muka lak. buat lg,buat lg.
org blkg ckp :
gedik syial mimie uh. termuncung-muncung je mulut.

org depan ckp :
ko da kurus da. ko da jd mcm -tuut- ke? da mcm rangka da aku tgk.
org blkg ckp :
perot buncit mcm babi. lengan aje da mcm betis aku.

org depan ckp :
aku tak kisah kalu ko de hal and tak boleh tlg. takpe. aku phm.
org blkg ckp :
ko ingt aku kuli batak opah ko ke pe.

org depan ckp :
oke gak ko tindik mulut ni. nmpk unik.
org blkg ckp :
tindik2 da mcm anjing dh. sah mak bapak tak ajar agama.

manusia semua sama. hipokrit. talam dua muka. apa yg didengar di dpn kita belum tentu sepakat dgn di blkg kita. kalu mau idup tnpa onar di dunia ini,pekakkan telinga. buat ape semakkan kepala dgn bebelan manusia2 lahanat yg tak sudahnya dengki? kalu mereka soksek di blkg,buat bangang aje. susah ape. dosa mereka dpt,pahala kite punya. biar aku diam nmpk bodoh tp setidak-tidaknya hati aku tak sebusuk bau kandang babi mcm kau.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


its almost over for my 4th sem in legenda. tp aku still tak dpt menbendung rasa suka ponteng kelas di dlm diri  ini. fuck up. haha. as long as my mom didnt know about this,i'll be the happiest girl in the planet XD
long story short,i hate this sem. my life is full with problem. and i know i cant managed them well. so aku mmg sgt suka buat benda bkn bkn utk lupakan sekejap msalh aku tu. and i've done what that i promised to myself that i shouldnt done it. seriously,i become insane. i really need a help right now. really need it. i think i had this some sort of mental disorder or should i called it 'otak aku dah mereng'. gosh. i dont want to ended up my life like kurt kobain,eventhough i love him! as a new babystep,i quit taking 'some drugs' since the past few months. and it works so much well. langgar pantang tu biasalah tp aku akn tetap bpegang dgn azam aku. eceh eceh ceh~
hopefully i'll become wiser person in the future. maybe i should handle stress with eat a lot of choc. i mean A LOT OF choc. hahaha.

p a s t

the past is always with us, just waiting to mess with our present. 

slap on my face

gave myself a tight slap on my face today n swore to =

1. not give myself anymore problems.

2. not run from my problems (face 'em senget!)

3. not become one of those person who only see their issues.

4. stop being a stubborn! (jgn degil2,debab kan dah besa..)

 always think deeply b4 i act,speak,bla bla bla.

stress is stress. u dun have to help.

because time is only a one way street. and i have to believe dat one day,i'll be thirty-five and looking back in all this as a 'childhood-memories'


mlm ni sucks. sucks sucks n sucks.aku dh semangt nak mkn nasik ayam tgk tgk syahirah pnuh lak. cibai. mkn la kt tmpt laen. aku nak g nyqad tp gen2 lak taknak. kne la gak g d'nice. dh la servis lombab. layan je la~

bkn stakat tu je buat aku saket ati. byk lg doe. spptnye aku kua mkn dgn bf aku,gemuk tp die lak cancel di saat saat akhir. dammit. aku bunuh kau bru tau. mkn dgn gen gen la jwbnye. oke,aku suka lepak dgn dorg but not tonite. aku rase mcm tunngul pon de doe. chup chup. aku mmg tunggul. haha. dah la buat muka ketat and then mcm marah je kt aku. so,end of conversation,aku lg rela jln jln beli jgn,g dnice blek and then lari g jln jln sorg sorg smbil mkn jagung. tp de 1 nigga ni follow aku. babi. nsb baek aku da nmpk table ili dr jauh. fuck nigga. da la itam.

back to gen gen. dia dah start nak cri gua plak skrg -.-". mintak2 tercapai la hasrat dia tu. aku dh ta larat dh tgk dia tak centre 2-3 hari ni. lama lama jd sewel tak ke naya. muka jambu otak sewel. bahaya. aku hrp kau cepat la setelkan pe pe pon msalah kau tu yek. kau nak aku tlg kau crikan kau gua pon bleh doe. hahaha.

btw,do i need a help cbb kdg kdg aku overprotective bout somthing (or someone) that i coulnt have?

a new start,maybe?

ok,another blog. haha. some people might be tak tahan dgn prangai aku yg tak boleh stuck dgn satu blog forever. what can i say,i thirst for perfection. whateve. seriously,aku ber-blog ni bkn utk mjadi satu trend or utk meluahkan something kpd orang laen. i do it because i want it. teringat kata seorg mmber,

'org buat blog,kau pun nk buat blog jugak'.

hello baby,im not a follower ok. aku buat sbb aku nk baca sndri apa yg aku tulis di masa hdpn. yela,kalu tlis dlm diari nnty lama lama berkarat juga. but,its up to u kalu nak bace blog ak ni. akhir kata;

im nur syamimi nabila bt hishamuddin
hnd in civil engineering
psychologically disturbed