Saturday, October 24, 2009

a new start,maybe?

ok,another blog. haha. some people might be tak tahan dgn prangai aku yg tak boleh stuck dgn satu blog forever. what can i say,i thirst for perfection. whateve. seriously,aku ber-blog ni bkn utk mjadi satu trend or utk meluahkan something kpd orang laen. i do it because i want it. teringat kata seorg mmber,

'org buat blog,kau pun nk buat blog jugak'.

hello baby,im not a follower ok. aku buat sbb aku nk baca sndri apa yg aku tulis di masa hdpn. yela,kalu tlis dlm diari nnty lama lama berkarat juga. but,its up to u kalu nak bace blog ak ni. akhir kata;

im nur syamimi nabila bt hishamuddin
hnd in civil engineering
psychologically disturbed

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